Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Cloud Computing: Reduced Failure Rate

Cloud computing has advanced the modern marketplace and has opened new doors for many organisations, we can say how brilliantly it handles success- but what about the other side of the coin? How does it handle failure?

What should we expect?

Firstly it has a significantly reduced failure rate than you may expect.
While, yes, you're entrusting your data to a open server and you're sharing a great deal of your information. It is protected. And it is backed up regularly by your provider to help in the event of any major failure.
While, thanks to the way cloud computing works, there is less chance of a singular localised failure crippling your organisation and bringing the company down.

Imagine the typical office situation: your computers and information are all stored locally and, while you have access to the office, you have your information to hand and you're covered.
Until someone manages to contract a virus and give it to their terminal..and then you're facing a rather difficult situation. Can you save the information? How? How much is it going to cost? How much downtime? Who can you trust with handling such a volume of sensitive data?

Same applies in cases of heinous weather. Your office is your fort and when the drawbridge is up you can't get in, you're not going anywhere- which is where a platform-independent solution becomes a powerful and effective tool.

Not a technological person? No worries.

In recent years we have advanced to levels of graphical and processor performance previously only dreamed of. Operating systems are no longer the field of the IT professional- but the average home user- and cloud computing is no different in that respect.
While the system is entirely IT based it's not something that is so complex that the average user cannot use it. Which is the second part of the beauty of this.

It not only makes your life easier, your information easier to access and many of your problems solved but it's something everyone can adopt.

It allows your organisation to expand in every way possible as the executives and the administration can use this revolutionary technology. This allows previously unthought of levels of data sharing.
Which, we agree- is not always a good thing to share sensitive data.
But with cloud computing each user has their own access credentials which ascertain whether or not they should access this- and you can choose who can and can't.

This is all for now but we will be expanding further on the topic of cloud computing in future posts. Thank you for reading!

All information presented here is © copyright Carkean Solutions Ltd., 2010 - Not to be used without our permission - The views expressed here are the views of an individual not the corporation

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