Wednesday, 27 October 2010

e-Networking: Less is More

There's so many sites out there- too many to count- so where do you start? The fundamental point is to research as much as you can and try to ascertain what could work and what won’t work. You should always focus your efforts on a handful of sites over the masses and try to make a good few over an average dozen.

As we started to explain above, less is a whole lot more when it comes to e-Networking.
I’m sure we’ve all had those moments where we deliberate on buying something, opt for the cheaper, opt for the cheaper and then decide to buy the expensive- all in all costing as much as twice the amount of the expensive option.

With e-Networking while you are aiming to get a lot of valued contacts do not lose sight of the things that matter. Site maintenance, for instance, do you have enough time to effectively manage your sites if something goes awry?
Equally, have you set aside enough time for them all?
The common feeling you get from many e-Networking attempts is that they’re devoid of feeling and the human touch. Often it’s more than likely that the site is not even updated, as such, but everything is scheduled and is posted when it says it should be. So don’t do this as this often shows that the owners don’t actually care about their visitors.

One of the other important points of being on these sites is that they’re social so try not to take that out of the question; otherwise you might as well have a standard website.

At the same time it’s easier to keep track of what you’re doing with your sites if you only have a few to keep updated. Too many and you might end up spamming by accident as you don’t realise this has been posted, or copied in, and thereby you’ll lose visitors for a simple mistake.
But, best of all, if you have a few well made sites that really target the users effectively and have a lot of information- you look very professional and serious about it. Visitors will recognise your devotion and actually care, as there are so many sites (it’s impossible to even count them) that are nothing but spam-filled-link-fests.

Finally, most of what happens with e-Networking is built up through trust.
It’s hard to actually see how it works from the outset as you need to actually communicate, build up a rapport and interact with clients. Much easier to find and retain contacts if you’re only trying to keep a few hundred over a few thousand, worse still- on sites you don’t even visit regularly! Anything you can do to make your sites more accessible to your visitors (or yourself) is a good idea.

Thank you for reading, as always, and happy networking!

All information presented here is © copyright Carkean Solutions Ltd., 2010 - Not to be used without our permission - The views expressed here are the views of an individual not the corporation

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

The depth of Innovation.

Innovation is a well used word when it comes to things new and exciting- but what does innovation really mean? What can you expect from something that boasts being new and innovative?

The answer is mostly subjective as different products have different limitations but in general innovation must have four things: depth, application, usability and desire.

Before something can present a new feature it must have depth. The reason that iPods became one of the best selling mp3 players (if not the best) is because they had depth. Any player could play mp3s and other file formats- but the iPod had the music, the video, the whole iTunes package and much more.
It crept under the surface and made a change that rippled outwards and left a lot of innovation in the wake.

Anyone can make a new and exciting feature for just about anything...but what kind of use does it have? Take laptops, for instance, before the days of wireless and WiFi the only option to have internet was an ethernet cable sprawled along the floor. That was kind of innovation- but at the same time, it was just using the technology a desktop PC had in a laptop.
The idea of internet on a laptop may have been a unique feature at the time, but it was hardly of use to most people as most people were still perplexed by a modem.
However, when wireless internet was widely available and the wireless receivers were plugged in via USB- that was innovation that had use. It wasn't a quirky feature, it was actually half decent.

So, you have a deep innovative and useful feature- but can anyone use it?
A good example of this is the (often god-awful) video conversion software you get with mp3 players. Video, on the go, anywhere you want- innovative. A player to play it- innovative. The software that actually gets it onto your player- completely useless.
Therefore, the whole process is nullified until you find an alternative and even then you might just reconsider the whole thing from the start.
Innovation must, above all else, be usable!

The reason someone wants to buy or use something is the key issue. Hard drives were much in this category in 2006-2008 where 250gb-320GB hard drives were becoming standard issue...but no-one needed them.
Back then 80GB was enough for all but the most fanactical user.
However, with the rising demand for digital download video games and films there's a higher desire for bigger hard drives. Not to mention, any video game player is probably packing a 500gb hard drive just to install all their games! So, in this case, the innovation of hard drives that now hold up to 1TB is a useful feature.
Remember, always, whatever you make someone has to want to use.

And that's everything!
I hope this has been an informative post and has given you a better outlook on how useful some of this "innovation" actually is. Plus, helps you to appreciate some of the better innovation you have encountered.

Thank you for reading, as always.

All information presented here is © copyright Carkean Solutions Ltd., 2010 - Not to be used without our permission - The views expressed here are the views of an individual not the corporation

Monday, 25 October 2010

Leadership and Teamwork

These are two key aspects of business and they can be infinitely useful when working on projects, demonstrations and deadlines. Yet in an ironic fashion, not many know what it takes to have a good teamwork situation or good leadership skills.

Although, this is rather situational- different situations (and certain types) will always demand a certain response.

Compassion over autocracy
Long gone are the days where "I'm the boss and you do what I say" is the answer for everythig from why your coat hook is gone, to why you're being transfered to a new office. Compassion wins many more friends (but does equally cause some to take advantage of situations). It allows you to get to know what drives your workers and why they do what they do.
Some do it for the challenge.
Some do it for the money.
Some do it because it's better than being out there on social help.
Whatever it is, whatever they do it for- find out! Connecting with workers in a more humane way will get more rewards in the long run. And, equally, you can help people achieve their potential. Two-fold reward: they're happier and you get more productivity.

Identify problems early
Nothing hurts more (in any sense of the word) when you're working your tail off and someone else is doing nothing, or seems to be, but is getting away with it (or seems to be). If there are reasons people do less (perhaps they are grieving) or are given a less strenous task (or a perceived task that is less strenous)- inform the group. Let them know how things are and how you stand.
Of course, at the same time, don't be afraid to discipline those who are geniunely doing nothing with no valid reason.
Communication is one of the most important aspects of just about anything...but is so easily overlooked. Talking, discussing and delegating also shows a great quality of leadership (command). People will feel more confident you can deliver when you say you can if you show you can, otherwise they might start to doubt your potential and that could lead to group members leaving or all out failure.

There's more than one way to lead
One thing that I've found in my day to day life is that (sometimes) the people in charge seem like the least qualified to be. They ask you to do something, complain about your results- but have no idea how to do it themselves.
In a leadership position try to find out as much as you can about each element of the processes and groups you're leading. Knowing is winning half the battle at the start as you won't find yourself in the eventual position of "what does he/she know?", when really it's not that you don't know you're just not sure.
At the same time, never be afraid to try different things- some people respect those they can trust, those that are fair and honest, those that appreciate their unique skills etc.
A good leader knows the majority of a battle is never played out on the field- it's played out in the minds of the people involved. Being able to reassure, to inspire and to lead these people goes a long way to achieving your goals!

They're only human
One of the things we forget, sometimes, as people, is that we are only human and therefore we have our limits. People get tired, people get annoyed and quite frankly you can't expect any less.
Super human is fun and all- but it isn't worth what it does to a person.
Take that into account always. No-one is completely on the ball every day of their lives, so think about how you would react in a similar situation. Often if you give and take in a fair situation, treat people how you want to be treated and be understanding if they snap after a stressful day you'll win more friends than you'll lose.
People often don't mean those things in a perfectly normal situation, and it's all too easy to say "If you don't mean it you shouldn't say it"- but have you always been perfect, too?

And there we go.
I figured this might be a nice angle to take as it opens the floor for a lot of conversation about things you've done, encountered and tips you may have for leadership/teamwork in your organisations.

As always- thank you for reading!

All information presented here is © copyright Carkean Solutions Ltd., 2010 - Not to be used without our permission - The views expressed here are the views of an individual not the corporation

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Aquima: All Inclusive

One of the key features of Aquima that most other BPM suites lack is a complete software package in that it doesn’t require additional software, plugins, addons or any of that in order to do what it is designed to do.
This is because Aquima is an all-inclusive software package which works straight out of the box- no messy implementation, no hours of loading software in, no hassle and no fuss!

On top of this there are extra modules added to Aquima to further its functionality:
  • An in-built document creator which allows you to turn the information in your models or applications into a report, invoice or just about anything.
  • A runtime engine to create, deploy and update applications/models in real time and be able to see the changes immediately.
  • A deployment suite that allows you to test for errors, check functionality, check for bugs and make sure your model and application is perfect before going live.
  • In-built web deployment functionality as standard. Allowing you to create effective and professional online applications.
  • Best of all- all of these modules are fully customisable!
These reasons (and more) are why Aquima is changing the face of the BPM market permanently and positively- proving that powerful functionality doesn’t always have to be complex, but rather that innovation outshines following the pack.

Ideas such as real time editing and deployment were once pipe dreams but are now very much a reality thanks to Aquima. These (and many other ideas) are not necessarily making BPM suites more powerful, but more accessible and available to a greater number of organisations.
Where once it was the case that you couldn't trust this confusing new software- it is no longer. Now it's so easy to use and transparent there's nothing stopping you from adopting it.

And that's all for now.
Thank you for reading (as always) and feel free to comment.

All information presented here is © copyright Carkean Solutions Ltd., 2010 - Not to be used without our permission - The views expressed here are the views of an individual not the corporation

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Online Promotion.

Kind of a lighthearted post today, we're looking at a few of the ways that any size business can improve their online promotion. It's more a brief checklist than a comprehensive exploration.

Make constructive connections between your e-Networking resources. If your Twitter is used to deliver Blogger content, then connect those two when viewers visit pages but leave your Facebook to develop its own connections. Doing this shows new users that you’re conscious of their needs and that you are making it easier for them, most of all, to connect with you.

Use adverts and other promotional tools as sparingly as possible. Adding just a few adverts or banners here or there not only helps site load time, but equally doesn’t annoy users no end when they visit. It also shows you’re not a spammer as only spammers will shove adverts down your throat.

Take feedback to heart and really care about your users. This shows everyone from users to people who end up on your page for some reason that you, above all else, want your site to be as functional as possible. And functional = excellent. After, you would never ignore your customers if they said one of your products were faulty- would you?

Invite people to say a few words about you/your service/your site and let them link back to it not only to help generate traffic, but to let fair and honest opinions get out. Most users respect sites/services that can take necessary criticism and shun those who try to make themselves look like the best thing since sliced bread.

Try and build up affiliate services with people who provide complementary products to your service. (and in general) have a great service for this, allowing you to make a small percentage commission but provide utility. If you’re a moving company for instance, you may want to advertise cheap home wares for the transition period from house to house.

And there we have it- a few ways to promote yourself online that you might not (or might) have known. They're all good and most of them are free or not very expensive.
Connecting with others is always a nice idea, however, so that may be useful to use as well.

Thank you for reading, as always, any comments you wish to leave would be much appreciated.

All information presented here is © copyright Carkean Solutions Ltd., 2010 - Not to be used without our permission - The views expressed here are the views of an individual not the corporation

Monday, 18 October 2010

e-Networking: Content Writing

You're in for a bit of a treat today- we're going to be doing another article for someone shortly and here's a short snippet of our section on content writing.

Content Writing
Content is, and always will be, your weapon of choice on social media sites (and any e-Networking sites) as this is how people come to know you. You don’t have to be a brilliant writer, an excellent poet or even have any experience- you just need a passion.
You have to love what you write about, or at least are able to write as if you do, in order to write content that makes people come back to your sites. Below are some tips which may help you there:
  1. Factual is great but what people want is insight. Take news sites for example, why is it that people choose Sky News over BBC News? Or the Financial Times over the Economist? The core of the information is always the same, the facts always exist, but the presentation- that changes. Some people are overly pessimistic, some funny and some are unbiased (in a true sense) and that is what helps them associate with their readers.
  2. Compliments cost nothing, yet you would be led to believe you have to pay in blood for the amount you actually get. It’s not hard to say “Thank you for reading” and it means a lot. Personally, I think some people have the greatest ideas but have the manners of a rusty fork. If I were to judge them on their character, not their content, I wouldn’t read their content much if at all.
  3. Try to be consistent in your approach and stick to what you do best. Writing is hard work when you write about a lot, but even if your topics change your mannerisms don’t have to and that’s reassuring. Think of it like music, why do you listen to your favourite artists? What about their recordings make you inclined to listen?
  4. Impersonal, personal, formal, informal- it’s all good. Too often when we think of writing for other people we think it has to be as formal as a starched shirt. It doesn’t. Of course typing in what is considered “netspeak (how r u?)” is a bad idea, usually, but at the same time typing informally never hurts. Type however it comes naturally to you; so many people struggle to get their message across because they want it to look perfect- it really doesn’t have to.
These are the things that, personally, I have always taken into account while writing these blogs (and any content). It's good to have a consistent, natural and honest feel to your work. Above all else- people trust it a little bit more and are likely to react better than if you are overly formal. They might feel they're not professional enough, or something of the sort, in that case.

And that's all for now!
Thank you for reading, as always, we hope this has been insightful.

All information presented here is © copyright Carkean Solutions Ltd., 2010 - Not to be used without our permission - The views expressed here are the views of an individual not the corporation

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Aquima: Bridging the Gap

While there is a greater appreciation for technology and computing in general in modern business, they are still like the proverbial cats and water. Many organisations struggle to find computing solutions to their business problems beyond everyday software.

Often this is because of rigid and static software.
Or the feeling that you're paying for something that is too complex for anyone in your organisation to use, not to mention paying for implementation, updates, changes, training and so many costs it may just make you throw the system out of the window.
Had you not just paid for it.
But these are rather old stereotypes that don't really apply as much in the current generation as they did in the previous, as we will explore below.

There are many reasons that organisations/individuals would be technology adverse:
  1. Technology is often expensive (or is thought to be) and the initial benefits are not seen immediately
  2. Some technology is too complex for the everyday user and can possibly stunt productivity.
  3. The expense of training is a looming burden and can cause you to leave technology behind
  4. Often the marketing for technology is not favourable- inadequate products are often sold as wonder solutions
  5. Many older organisations don't see how technology can improve their business
  6. And there's always the concern that employees could simply use the "Oh, I don't know how it works" excuse to get out of using it, sad to say
But there are equally many reasons why it is beneficial to organisations:
  1. Up to date technology is useful now more than ever- most systems are backwards compatible and have in-built protection/back up systems.
  2. The initial outlay may seem high but the continual savings are comparable
  3. "Future proofing" an organisation is always a good idea as at least they won't have to pay even more to implement new systems, if/when they want to
  4. Online technology has revolutionised networking and promotion
  5. And much more! There are too many benefits to name and some will only apply to some organisations so the best way to find out how it works for you, is to let it work for you
This is why the Aquima suite provides such great benefits.
It pretty much removes all of the negative points outlined above but keeps almost all of the positive points, especially "The initial outlay may seem high but the continual savings are comparable."

As Aquima is an all-in-one package there is no need for extra software- saves money.

There's no need for replacements as Aquima is always on the mark- saves money.

Aquima also features a great deal of extras that would not normally be included- saves money.

Overall you can begin to see, if you embrace the idea, that Aquima has so many benefits it might be considered illegal not to use it! And this, more than anything, is because it is such a brilliant collection of software tools in easily digestable formats.

It is software like Aquima which combines raw functionality with incredible usability and could really help you see the benefits of using BPM software. As Aquima is multi-purpose and multi-fuctional you can use it for everything from car insurance applications to mortgage foreclosures to funeral director fees- it truly is a revolution in technology.
You couldn't really ask more from something that costs just a fraction of what other packages of this nature would look to set you back,

Thank you for reading, as always!

If you have anything to share about new technology or BPM software suites- there's a comment box for a reason- feel free to use it and let us know what you think! We'd love to hear from you.

All information presented here is © copyright Carkean Solutions Ltd., 2010 - Not to be used without our permission - The views expressed here are the views of an individual not the corporation

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

e-Networking: Content Management

One other concern of most people when it comes to networking online is not their possible side-effects but how long it takes each day. Considering I've just spent the majority of the day updating a new site I think it may be apt to say how long it takes, or rather- how long it doesn't take.
When you consider having three or four (or more) sites, it would seem that to update them you would have to spend a great deal of time on them.
Initially, yes.
Setting up websites is a good example of what you put in is what you get out of it. If you don't put enough time in, rush them or push too much through too quickly then you're going to end up with low quality at the end of the process.
In comparison, once you have spent that initial chunk of time they don't take hardly any time at all to update.

This is for two reasons:
  • You have already put a lot of time into a site that functions well, that you understand and that you know the capabilties of. Updating is easy as you have all the tools you need and the know-how.
  • Updating social media isn't about walls of text and long drawn-out articles and such it's about small, digestable chunks of information that blend into the every day life of your viewers.
Where on your company website it may be preferable to upload a few pages of text in a new update, to inform and to cover all possible questions- in e-Networking it isn't necessary.

Services like Twitter are designed to explicitely make it possible for you to only be able to post bite-sized chunks of information.
And this is what you should be aiming for.
Even Facebook only has a limited 420 characters for you to share your information with. This helps more than hinders as it allows you tailor your updates and focus on which sites get what, without having to worry about how many hours this is taking.

Here's a few easy ways to break up your updating time:
  1. Plan your posting- what? where? when? Knowing when you're supposed to have new content up (and where) helps remove a lot of lost-time guess work.
  2. Use any information/limits to your advantage. If you know Twitter is only 140 characters and Facebook 420- then make the updates for those sites that size.
  3. Be accurate and timely in your updates. Nothing shows rushed work like pushing for that 4pm deadline at 5pm!
  4. Be casual, friendly and don't be afraid to change something that's no longer relevant- anything that makes your content more approachable is better. It also comes more naturally when you don't force content through, making it quicker to write.
  5. Try to break bigger chunks of content down into a few updates which you post one after the other to help not only develop a series, but to help readers digest it.
Try these things if you find you're stuck in the parellel loop of spending ages working on e-Networking sites, also remember, it gets easier as you get more used to it.

 That's all for now!

 Thank you for reading and if you've got any tips to share- feel free to comment.

All information presented here is © copyright Carkean Solutions Ltd., 2010 - Not to be used without our permission - The views expressed here are the views of an individual not the corporation

Monday, 11 October 2010

e-Networking: Not a Replacement.

I've found that in the last few weeks we've been talking about e-Networking and using the internet as some kind of online networking tool, people have become increasingly concerned with it replacement for traditional networking/marketing- but this is not the case!

e-Networking is simply another way to do things that you can do any other way.
For instance, the use of Twitter and Facebook is not an exclusive marketing strategy and will replace the traditional marketing methods- it's an augmented method- to be done as well as all the other things you're already doing.
While blogging and even customisable platforms like WordPress are no replacement whatsoever for an actual corporate website with all of your information on it.
All in all these things are nothing more than an extra method, a new idea or something different you could try to generate some more traffic and some more business. They're not designed to replace anything- in fact, if anything there's simply not enough available that you could.

They're just something new.
Well, new for the older generation who probably grew up more akin to a pen and paper than a keyboard and monitor. But they're also something new in terms of business and corporate activity.

Also, while we're at it- let's dispel a few other myths about e-Networking in general.
  • There's no way someone could access your information from it. Not a one. Other than what you upload on profiles all of your other information (IP addresses, e-mail addresses and so on) are all safe and held by the parent site- not the networker.
  • Privacy is a big issue. In the days where people spend more time online than they do in their everyday lives there's a big issue of privacy- do we have it? How do we get it? Are we secure? The answer to these questions and many more is: there are easy-to-use privacy settings on each of these sites. They take minutes to set up.
  • Spam is not something you'll get a lot of. We all hate spam (though some like the tinned variety) and it's a big issue, as much as privacy, on the internet. Mostly because spam becomes scams and then all sorts of disagreeable things happen. These days many sites are committed to lowering how much spam is recieved and overall it's a lot safer experience than before.
  • Opt in, opt out- whatever you prefer. Most sites are free and do not force you to be on them for a "trial period" or something of the sort, you can join them and leave them as easy as you can open a web browser. Deleting your account is always an option and you have no obligations to stay if you'd rather not.
And that concludes this post! We hope it has been informative and helped to show a few of the better sides of e-Networking that otherwise might have been confused. Understandably so, as this is a new and exciting form of technology and there's all sort of myths and horror stories around the internet- but it really is all good. For the most part!

Got any e-Networking stories you'd like to share? Feel free to comment and let us know what you have to say.

All information presented here is © copyright Carkean Solutions Ltd., 2010 - Not to be used without our permission - The views expressed here are the views of an individual not the corporation

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Evolution of the User Experience.

There's been a lot of talk recently about the so called "browser wars" between Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari and other web browsers. All of these are essentially going for the same thing but each have had a different impact on users.

The recent drop in Internet Explorer users is no doubt related to the EU leglisation which affect some copies of the new Windows OS, actively letting you choose a browser rather then being left with Internet Explorer.

But, overall, and why we're talking about this, is because this is all to do with the user experience.
Internet Explorer has been around for as long as Windows itself. Even in the old days of ISPs that provided their own browsers on dial-up, there was a version of Internet Explorer available. This is a good browser as it allows you to use all the essential parts of the web browser with no hassle, no fuss. However, for coders there's a specific dislike for the way that IE butchers some of the scripts.
On the other hand Firefox is kind of "Internet Explorer and then some" as it has a lot more features and even neat little innovations (like an addon loader process), but at the same time many users find it hard to get on with some of the features and apparently it crashes a lot too!
Chrome and Safari are browsers I've never personally used but they are reputed as being a easy to use and low-memory browsers. Some of the fancy bells and whistles- none of the memory and processor draining errors and memory leaks.

These four browsers all do the same thing- they view the internet.

Yet, as the years pass users are all aiming for different things. For business and general computing purposes something like Internet Explorer gets the job done, while for those who want a bit more functionality you might want to opt for Firefox- likewise, if speed is your thing and you just want to view the site then Chrome is probably the one for you.

A direct relation to how we have a whole range of different computer users and a host of options available to them now. Which is an interesting side note of how far technology has evolved that now we have a greater portion of Mac users, as we have Windows users and even some Linux users.
In each of those cases, for each of those operating systems, there are similar reasons why some users choose one over the others.

This just goes to show how one thing that (almost) everyone uses can have such profoundly different effects and is a good lesson to those who do online networking- user experience is key!
Although we have already noted something quite similar in the Corporate e-Networking document we have uploaded this is, much like the statistical analysis, this is a practical explanation of how something so simple for most users can differ so much.

Thank you for reading.
And feel free to share any technology tidbits you have!

All information presented here is © copyright Carkean Solutions Ltd., 2010 - Not to be used without our permission - The views expressed here are the views of an individual not the corporation

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Aquima: Agility and Consequence.

You know what every organisation needs more of? People. You know why? They're flexible, they can do a number of things and they are able to learn new skills. These are the reasons why, even in the digital age, we still rely on people to get most things done.

People, software- what the!?
This is partly because most software is not flexible.
Microsoft Office, for instance, is five-six pieces of software in one which do five or six different things.You wouldn't be able to make a very extensive database in Excel and, likewise, you wouldn't be able to make an effective spreadsheet with Access.
The reason all of these were added is because these are basic functions that people need in order to do desktop publishing: graphs (Excel), databases (Access), document templates (Word), e-mail support (Outlook), document creation (Word/Publisher) and so on. Now while this is great because a number of angles are covered, well, it's not very effective.
In an example situation- say you were making a database for customer details in a DVD rental business. However, while you are pretty knowledgable wth computers other people will have to use it to. So you need a manual. But at the same time you need a way to analyse various details and information, preferably sortable, and with a range of fields.

Where do you start?
Well, the database would be made in Access and the manual would be made with Word while the analysis would be done with an exported Excel spreadsheet.
Three software packages for what is, in total, one operation.

Flexibility and more!
Aquima is a complete package which combines a number of these (and other) processes in one software package with complete integration. You could use the Aquima suite to not only set up the initial process, but then to create a report and even a manual.
In this way Aquima saves you money, time and effort.
But at the same time it makes the entire process more transparent and all of your skills can be easily transferred from one section to another. Overall, it makes more sense to put all of your eggs in one basket and do everything at the same time. Not to mention it will cost less over time and repeatedly save you money on maintenance, implementation, re-design, re-distribution and much more.

As recently highlighted in our comparison with the Pegasystems software suite we can actually see how Aquima is all-inclusive. Unlike other BPM software it doesn't need a whole host of extra software to do the tasks you rely on it for.

So what does all this really mean? Well, the human element in IT exists because there will always be a need for flexibility and responsive thinking. But, in the same way, with advances in artificial intelligence and technology it's only a matter of time before you see responsive IT systems.
Aquima may be one of the first to move forward in this new and exciting direction.
And it may be a way to get your organisation on a forward thinking path. Remember when we posted about building technology for tomorrow as well as today? This is why. If you can hit the trends earlier and get on the ground with new technology quickly, you're almost future proof as you only then need worry about the next big thing. And by that we mean the next big change in software. Such as the change from the days of ARIS to the days of Aquima.

That is all for now, thank you for reading and we look forward to hearing from you!

All information presented here is © copyright Carkean Solutions Ltd., 2010 - Not to be used without our permission - The views expressed here are the views of an individual not the corporation

Monday, 4 October 2010

How to reach your audience.

In every business practice you will have an audience that you need to reach or find, there are a number of ways to do this for traditional corporate activity- but there are also a number of ways to do this for online networking.

Lots of opportunities!
As we covered recently indirect networking is a great way to get in touch with those you want to connect with and is easily one of the more reliable methods. In many cases all it requires is an idea of the kind of things you're looking for.
For instance, in financial markets you can follow the Economist on Twitter and that will open up a whole range of potential financial connections.
But, this is rather a scattered approach as you would be waiting for some of their contacts to find you- whereas you could be using it to find them yourself. Searching through who's following them and who they are following would show clients of great potential, these in turn may have more clients you would want to connect with.

This can continue until you have literally thousands following your information.

You can also look for other well known blogs and information sources.
These are often full to the brim with like-minded eager individuals who want to share a particular kind of infomation. It's an incredibly effective way to get your name out there, in a positive light, not to mention share your views and personality with others. Guest posts are often available which could help to expand your audience in unexpected and greatly interesting ways.

Or you can use the good old fashioned method- market research.
In many cases, if you're a small local business this is probably the best way to target the best people for your organisation and will prove to get a lot more returns. This way you can (almost personally) know the people you're connected with.
Not to mention know they want what you're selling.

The aftermath
It's easy to follow lots of people and show that you're trying to get a great number of connections- but it doesn't show how much of this has actually been successful. Which is really your number one aim as an organisation.

Evaluating how well these things have gone is directly linked to what method you have used.
If you're using a rather scattered "friends of friends" approach it will be hard to say what has been done and what has come from it. This is because it's harder to track the individual things that you're actually doing and to track the clients that have or haven't responded.
In more direct cases it's easier to track the responses but it's a lot harder to get a lot of returns unless you've invested a great deal of time in connecting with them. So this might be more reliable but have a lower yield in comparison with other options.
Otherwise you simply have to use whichever options you have at your disposal to analyse what your efforts have brought, if anything.

In conclusion we can see that there are a few decent ways to connect with clients and a few different approaches. The approach will always fundamentally be the same- but the way it is used will not as there are many ways to skin a cat, as they say.

A rather short post today and one that I hope you have enjoyed- thank you for reading (as always)!

All information presented here is © copyright Carkean Solutions Ltd., 2010 - Not to be used without our permission - The views expressed here are the views of an individual not the corporation